Got Milk? No? Got Porn Then?

Today's topic will be another little glitch in our culture that I've noticed. If you enter a supermarket and buy a one-gallon plastic jug of milk, you will be asked if you'd like a bag when you check out. No biggie here, the bag boys are supposed to ask. What I wonder is why people accept the bag.In case they haven't noticed, the simple diagram to the left should help explain why the bag is unnecessary. I often wondered why people also get bags when purchasing one small easy to carry object. Well unless it is something like a box of adult underwear for your seventy-six-year-old mother who you still live with. Those kind of purchases are best hidden behind a barrier of paper camouflage.
Now, researching the topic further, I have modeled a theory of why this is. I thought back to my childhood. back to the times as a kid where I'd buy one object and leave the store without a bag, only to be told time after time by adults that I should get a bag because "People will think you have stolen that." Now being the type of person I am, why should I care if people think I have stolen something? If they really believe it they would approach me and accuse me of being a thief. At this point, I would flash my receipt and accuse them of being a dunderhead.
I suppose though those situations do arise where what people think could be harmful, provided you don't have a receipt to shield yourself with. Such an event like being accused of being a pornographer because somebody recovers some porn pictures from your hard drive that are there in your cache because you got tricked into following one of those links that instantly barrages you with twenty-five pop-up windows of various people of various ages in various positions. Try explaining that situation to someone who gets dumbfounded when trying to operate an electric can opener.